Le conseil qu’il vous faut, lorsque vous en avez besoin

Nous reconnaissons que vous avez travaillé fort pour acquérir votre patrimoine. Nous savons aussi que vous souhaitez faire du bon travail, bien investir et transmettre non seulement votre patrimoine, mais aussi vos valeurs aux prochaines générations. Nous savons également que la gestion de votre patrimoine peut être complexe et prendre beaucoup de temps. En tant que conseiller Assante, nous vous aiderons à définir et à hiérarchiser chacun de vos objectifs et nous élaborerons un plan patrimonial complet qui vous permettra de les atteindre. Ensuite, nous vous accompagnerons tout au long de votre vie pour vous aider à relever tous les défis et à surmonter toutes les difficultés que vous pourriez rencontrer en cours de route.

David Munro, BSc (Hons), MBA

Senior Wealth Management Advisor

After a decade on Toronto’s Bay Street, working in Business Strategy and Investment Research, David returned home to the Ottawa Valley to build an investment offering rooted premium service and individualized care. Whether it's business succession, generational wealth transfer or tax efficient strategies to grow wealth portfolios, David takes pride in guiding clients to meet financial goals by bringing together wealth planning, risk management and asset allocation; while liaising with accounting and legal professionals to provide fully integrated wealth strategies.


David has built his career on a foundation on global market and equity research, as he served as one of Canada's first dedicated exchange traded fund analysts for a large Canadian investment firm. He has worked extensively with portfolio managers and financial advisors across Canada building out investment solutions, assessing risks, and providing tailored portfolio recommendations to clients and other financial professionals over the past two decades. David has also served on a number of expert panels at national and international investment conferences and spent time providing strategic guidance and thought leadership to Wealth Management executives of major Canadian financial institutions.


Residing in the Ottawa Valley, David and his wife Nicola have two young boys, with whom they share a passion for music and family adventure in the great outdoors.


David holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Guelph, and a Master of Business Administration from Wilfrid Laurier University, specializing in Finance and Business Strategy.

Andre Mickovitch, CFP®

Senior Financial Planning Advisor

Andre is a senior financial planning advisor with over three decades of experience in the industry. He attended the Economics program at Carleton University for 3 years before landing his first job in accounting. In his time in the accounting profession, Andre gained valuable experience in personal and corporate finances and tax planning and, after a few years,  he decided to make the jump to start his own financial planning firm; eventually partnering with CI Assante Wealth Management in Ottawa in 2001. Andre has since moved to the Ottawa Valley with his wife Lesley and recently joined our team; bringing with him a wealth of experience working with individuals, small business owners and professionals in the areas of investment management, retirement planning, advanced tax strategies and succession planning.


Andre is a strong believer in community involvement and is currently a board member with the Pembroke Regional Hospital Foundation and the Upper Ottawa Valley Chamber of Commerce. He is also a member of the Eganville Rotary Club.


When he’s not at work, Andre is an avid cyclist and can be found with his wife Lesley enjoying the great outdoors and exploring the back roads of the Ottawa Valley. He also enjoys fishing, golfing, and hiking in his spare time.

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