Hatch Muir Financial Group


Hatch and Muir financial group provides un-biased financial advice and will strive to offer you the best solution based on your financial situation. 

About Us

Hatch & Muir offers access to planning, insurance and financial planning strategies to ensure that your wishes are respected and carried out. We'll help you minimize tax, legal, probate and other admin expenses, ensuring your financial wishes are documented and carried out.

The advice you need when you need it

We appreciate that you have worked hard to attain your wealth — and we know that you desire to do good, invest well, and pass on not only your wealth, but also your values to the generations to follow. We also know that managing your wealth can be complex and time-consuming. As your Assante advisor, together we will help you define and prioritize each of your goals and we build a comprehensive wealth plan that will help you achieve them. We will walk beside you throughout your life to help you navigate all of the challenges and complexities you may face along the way. 

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Tech Takeover: For Better or for Worse?

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Technology as we know it will soon be history—again. Be prepared for more “wow” moments as AI revolutionizes new processes and industries, while also displacing human roles....

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Determining which donation method suits you best

Jun 18, 2024

You can choose from at least seven common charitable giving methods—each with its own financial benefits. This may seem overwhelming, but we’ve got a way to simplify your choice....

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Profit by overcoming investment biases

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Herd behaviour is often named as the most common investing bias. Can you believe financial behaviourists have identified more than 20 others? Learn about the ones to watch out for....

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Address: Suite 202, 612 View Street, Victoria BC, V8W 1J5

Telephone: (250)-953-6816

Fax: (250)-953-6829

Email: InfoHatchMuir@assante.com

Office Address

612 View Street Suite 202
Victoria, British Columbia
V8W 1J5 Canada