Hugo Laplante, F.Pl.

Investment Advisor

Assante Capital Management Ltd.
Sommet Financial Management


Gatineau | Ottawa branch


My entrepreneurial spirit has allowed me to acquire a broad expertise in the business world and to develop strong advisory relationships with business owners and professionals. I aspire to contribute to the achievement of my clients' goals through tailored advice and strategies.

Jean-Pascal Bruneau, CIM

Investment Advisor

Laval | North Shore branch

As a wealth management focused advisor, I have the privilege of realizing the value of financial advice. I have a holistic and an integrated view of financial advice, acquired through my professional experiences in advisory support.

Karen Chang

Karen Chang, CIM®

Conseillère en placement


  • Gestionnaire de placements agréé (CIM), 2018
  • Cours sur le commerce des valeurs mobilières, 2016
  • Baccalauréat en commerce (B. Comm.), Majeure en finance, Mineure en Économie, Concordia, 2014


  • Plus de 8 ans d'expérience dans les services financiers
  • Vice-Présidente de l'Association des jeunes professionnels chinois (YCPA)
  • Participante à de multiples compétitions de danse sportive de 2003-2014
  • Semi-finaliste sur la série télévisée Canada's Got Talent en 2012

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