Le conseil qu’il vous faut, lorsque vous en avez besoin

Nous reconnaissons que vous avez travaillé fort pour acquérir votre patrimoine. Nous savons aussi que vous souhaitez faire du bon travail, bien investir et transmettre non seulement votre patrimoine, mais aussi vos valeurs aux prochaines générations. Nous savons également que la gestion de votre patrimoine peut être complexe et prendre beaucoup de temps. En tant que conseiller Assante, nous vous aiderons à définir et à hiérarchiser chacun de vos objectifs et nous élaborerons un plan patrimonial complet qui vous permettra de les atteindre. Ensuite, nous vous accompagnerons tout au long de votre vie pour vous aider à relever tous les défis et à surmonter toutes les difficultés que vous pourriez rencontrer en cours de route.

Jennie Weeks

Financial Advisor

I am a self-proclaimed entrepreneur and am extremely passionate about working with business owners.
My journey as an entrepreneur started at age 13, when I manufactured and sold hair ruffles to Hills of Kerrisdale in 1987! I graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce in Small Business and Entrepreneurship from the University of Victoria while working in a series of Internet start-ups. In 2000 I founded an online Golf Club for Women called Golf Fore Gals, which I franchised and sold 8 years later.

I love business and I understand how it works. By working with business owners, I am involved in what I love and provide an invaluable service that advocates for their success. I help business owners grow personal wealth so they can focus on what they do best and feel pride in what their business has achieved.

In 2013, I became CDFA certified as a divorce specialist. The emotional component of divorce brings a need for advocacy and clarity. I support people in a vulnerable place to understand their situation and the implications of their settlement in order to move forward. Going through separation with a client builds incredible trust. Having been through the experience, I get great satisfaction in empowering people to find hope through this life-changing transition.

“My passion: taking complex financial situations and making them relevant to my clients—then creating a clear roadmap to make a difference in their lives.”
I love people and embrace both our commonalities and differences. I measure my success based on the relationships I have with my clients. Every client is like family. I find immense joy in being a trusted advisor— helping with the tough, everyday decisions that families face. I am rewarded by these relationships and my ability to provide clarity, choice and security for my clients.
“Our lives are changed by the people we meet and the books we read.”
When I am not working you will find me playing outside. I love travelling, being outdoors on the ski hill, taking my children boating on the sunshine coast, golfing and hiking. I love to play and watch sports and will travel the world to watch the All Blacks with my Kiwi husband. Downtime is a good book on the back deck or a walk with a friend. I love family dinners with our blended family—watching them discover and grow into their unique talents and personalities.

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Services et stratégies d’investissement

Chez Gestion de patrimoine Assante CI, nous travaillerons avec vous pour développer une stratégie de gestion de patrimoine personnalisée afin de répondre à toutes vos étapes financières. Votre plan sera conçu en fonction de vos objectifs et de vos besoins, élaboré avec les meilleurs investissements du marché et surveillé en permanence afin de vous aider à créer l’avenir que vous désirez.

Si vous êtes à la recherche d’une solution financière qui simplifiera et améliorera votre vie, veuillez me contacter pour une consultation confidentielle.



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800-650 West Georgia St.
Vancouver, BC
V6B 4N8 Canada