The advice you need when you need it

We appreciate that you have worked hard to attain your wealth — and we know that you desire to do good, invest well, and pass on not only your wealth, but also your values to the generations to follow. We also know that managing your wealth can be complex and time-consuming. As your Assante advisor, together we will help you define and prioritize each of your goals and we build a comprehensive wealth plan that will help you achieve them. We will walk beside you throughout your life to help you navigate all of the challenges and complexities you may face along the way. 

Nino Pannozzo, CFP®, CPA, CA, R.F.P.®

Senior Wealth Advisor

As your trusted financial advisor, my objective is clear - to assist you in ensuring a secure financial future for you and your family.

After meeting with you and discussing your current objectives I begin developing a plan for your financial future. Produced in consultation with our team of professionals, this strategy lays the foundation to ensure that no matter what happens to the economy, the stock market, or the world, you will feel comfortable and confident in being able to secure your financial future. Our disciplined application of our strategy means you can rely on us to make it happen.

Our process will provide answers to these seven questions:

  1. Do you know exactly what would happen to your family if you were suddenly not around tomorrow?

  2. Do you know exactly what would happen to your family financially if you became disabled, and could no longer work?

  3. Will you be helping anyone with a higher education? If so, who? when? And do you have an idea of what it will cost?

  4. What about retirement plans? What will you do and how much will it cost to do it? Not just the day after you retire, but 10, 20 and even 30 years later?

  5. Are your parents living, and if so will you be expected to contribute to their support at some point? Have you made the provision for the possibility that you may need nursing home or other care, late in your lives?

  6. How important is it to you to be able to intervene in the financial lives of your children and grandchildren - while you are still here, as legacies, or both? How do you plan to do it? Or is there an institution that you care deeply about that you would like to leave a meaningful legacy, assuming we could create a highly tax-efficient way for you to do so?

  7. Assuming, as we have to do, that when you are both gone, up to half of your estate will get taxed away, how do you want the tax to be paid? If you want the children to pay the half, might they be forced to sell something you really wouldn't want them to sell?

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Nino Pannozzo CFP®, CPA, CA, R.F.P.®

Senior Wealth Advisor

Investment services and strategies

At CI Assante Wealth Management, we will work with you to develop a personalized wealth management strategy to meet all your financial milestones. Your plan will be designed based on your goals and needs, built with best-in-class investments, and continually monitored to ensure it keeps you on track toward the future you desire. If you are looking for a financial solution that will simplify and enhance your life, please contact me for a confidential consultation.



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