Who Benefits Most From Our Services

Our services are designed to benefit business owners and their families who: 

  • Are serious about personal financial freedom, and have important financial and life goals.

  • Want their wealth managed prudently and intelligently based on logic and expertise – not on marketing hype.

  • Delegate tasks that are outside their area of expertise.

  • Are seeking a long-term, trusting relationship with a professional advisor.

  • See the whole process of creating an investment and wealth strategy as important, and who are committed to providing all the information that is required to create and execute a comprehensive plan.

  • Have minimum investable assets of $500,000. 

What are the Typical Challenges for our Clients? 

  • Finding answers to questions like “Do I have enough?” and “How much do I need to save?”

  • Having a number of unanswered questions in the midst of a business transition (sale, succession, expansion).

  • Finding ways to simplify the complexity of their financial life.

  • Finding the right team of professionals (wealth advisor, accountant, lawyer) who can deliver the value-added services that are needed.

  • Determining how best to construct, build, and monitor an investment portfolio that will help accomplish their financial goals and provide income after they leave their business.

  • Minimizing the amount of income tax paid annually – and ultimately – by their estate.

  • Being unsure about how to create good inheritors (i.e. how to guide their children so they feel grateful and not entitled).

Become a client or refer a friend

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