The foundation for building a prosperous financial future starts with a simple concept. Earnings must exceed expenses. Cash and Debt Management planning takes into consideration the opportunities to reduce flexible expenses, to increase non-salaried income, and to appropriately enhance investment return.
There are few financial topics that create the kind of emotional reaction that taxes do. Taxes certainly have a way of taking a big chunk out of our wallets! However, the unfortunate part is that the average Canadian taxpayer neglects to utilize many of the tax-smart strategies available. Examples of tax-smart strategies:
Taking advantage of the tax sheltering available within registered plans
Optimizing tax-preferred income in non-registered Corporate Class plans
Choosing tax-deferred and tax-exempt options
Splitting income among spouses
Implementing charitable giving strategies
In many ways, the financial events of our lives unfold in two ways. Events we can control and events that we can't control.
The process of risk management involves identifying how we can protect the people and things that are the most important to us as to minimize the impact of their loss.The best and most cost efficient solution to protect family members from illness, injury or a death is insurance.Through our relationship with Assante Estate and Insurance Services Inc., here are some of the companies the we both utilize and trust with our clients risk management needs: AIG, AXA, Canada Life, Empire Life, Equitable Life, Industrial Alliance, Manulife Financial,RBC Insurance, Standard Life, Sunlife, Transamerica, BMO Insurance
One of the challenges that come with wealth is finding the most effective and tax-efficient method to distribute assets, either upon death or during one's lifetime. Whether you plan to leave your estate to family, to friends, or to a charity, a well thought out estate plan is essential.
By completing an Investment Policy Statement with our clients, we are able to establish a road map to guide our investment decisions. The appropriate asset mix is determined by taking into account the investment time horizon, risk tolerance, income needs and tax concerns.