Le conseil qu’il vous faut, lorsque vous en avez besoin

Nous reconnaissons que vous avez travaillé fort pour acquérir votre patrimoine. Nous savons aussi que vous souhaitez faire du bon travail, bien investir et transmettre non seulement votre patrimoine, mais aussi vos valeurs aux prochaines générations. Nous savons également que la gestion de votre patrimoine peut être complexe et prendre beaucoup de temps. En tant que conseiller Assante, nous vous aiderons à définir et à hiérarchiser chacun de vos objectifs et nous élaborerons un plan patrimonial complet qui vous permettra de les atteindre. Ensuite, nous vous accompagnerons tout au long de votre vie pour vous aider à relever tous les défis et à surmonter toutes les difficultés que vous pourriez rencontrer en cours de route.

Scott Jamieson, FMA

Senior Financial Advisor

Together, we create & protect your family wealth.

The financial goals of my clients are vast and vary signigficantly depending on their stage in life.  We talk and strategize about home ownership, educating our children, taxation, building and protecting our income, our careers, a business, and building our net worth with properly structured investment portfolios. 

I know the ultimate goal for most of my clients is the pursuit of finanical independence.  A stage in life when we can do what we want, when we want, with the people we most enjoy. To strive to get to a point when work becomes optional.

My mission: To provide financial clarity to Canadian families, and see that they realize their financial dreams. How?

Understanding your needs and creating solutions to your priorities and questions.

  • How do I keep up with changing markets and legislation?
  • When can I retire? Will there be an impact on my lifestyle or future goals?
  • How can I reduce the taxes I pay? Am I missing opportunities?
  • How do I ensure that my estate wishes are fulfilled?
  • Is my family protected and prepared to inherit my wealth?
  • How do I protect my business now and in the future?

Team Approach
Today, the management of personal wealth is more complex than ever. We realize that no one person can be an expert in everything. That is why I work closely with a large team of professionals who when needed will provide guidance and recommendations to create your Comprehensive Wealth Plan to address all of your needs.

Comprehensive Wealth Planning
The combination of traditional investment Advice with insurance, tax and estate planning takes your entire financial situation and future lifestyle objectives into consideration. Your Wealth Plan is designed to provide a roadmap to preserve the wealth you have worked so hard to create, enhance it as much as possible without taking undue risk and finally transfer your wealth efficiently to your beneficiaries.

We Can Simplify Your Life
I realize that no two investors are alike. Everyone has unique needs and circumstances. Finding the time to manage your finances is hard to do. Developing the expertise to understand financial markets, taxation and retirement planning is even harder. My role as an Assante Advisor is to help guide you through many of the complexities associated with wealth management.

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Services et stratégies d’investissement

Chez Gestion de patrimoine Assante CI, nous travaillerons avec vous pour développer une stratégie de gestion de patrimoine personnalisée afin de répondre à toutes vos étapes financières. Votre plan sera conçu en fonction de vos objectifs et de vos besoins, élaboré avec les meilleurs investissements du marché et surveillé en permanence afin de vous aider à créer l’avenir que vous désirez.

Si vous êtes à la recherche d’une solution financière qui simplifiera et améliorera votre vie, veuillez me contacter pour une consultation confidentielle.



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350 Burnhamthorpe Road West Suite 218
Mississauga, Ontario
L5B 3J1 Canada