Le conseil qu’il vous faut, lorsque vous en avez besoin

Nous reconnaissons que vous avez travaillé fort pour acquérir votre patrimoine. Nous savons aussi que vous souhaitez faire du bon travail, bien investir et transmettre non seulement votre patrimoine, mais aussi vos valeurs aux prochaines générations. Nous savons également que la gestion de votre patrimoine peut être complexe et prendre beaucoup de temps. En tant que conseiller Assante, nous vous aiderons à définir et à hiérarchiser chacun de vos objectifs et nous élaborerons un plan patrimonial complet qui vous permettra de les atteindre. Ensuite, nous vous accompagnerons tout au long de votre vie pour vous aider à relever tous les défis et à surmonter toutes les difficultés que vous pourriez rencontrer en cours de route.

Suhel Popatia, CFP®, BSc

Senior Wealth Advisor

Since 1998, Suhel’s wealth management practice has focused on taking charge of and managing the unique and complex financial needs of business owners, executives, incorporated professionals, and their families. Suhel works closely with his clients to simplify and enhance their lives by providing the knowledge and confidence they need to make well-informed financial decisions.

Suhel’s approach revolves around integrating life management services with prudent wealth creation and wealth preservation strategies. Suhel assists clients with personal and corporate tax minimization, and with planning for the ultimate transfer of their wealth to future generations using advanced insurance and estate planning strategies.

Suhel is a member of The Financial Planner’s Standards Council of Canada and The Professionals’ Alliance, through which his clients access extended services such as legal, trust, notary, accounting, banking, mortgage brokerage, realty, property insurance, and related services. Suhel is also a member of CICEA (Canadian Institute of Certified Executor Advisor).

Licensed in the provinces of B.C., Alberta, and Ontario, Suhel provides his clients access to a broad spectrum of investment options and insurance solutions offered by the largest investment and insurance companies in Canada. These services are provided through Assante Capital Management Ltd. (member of The Canadian Investor Protection Fund and of The Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada), and Assante Estate and Insurance Services Inc.

With over $43 billion of assets under administration, Assante is a leader in managing wealth and in building prosperity for Canadian families and businesses. Suhel is an 11-time recipient of Assante's esteemed Chairman's Council Award in recognition of his top-tier service and performance excellence.

Suhel's community commitments have included volunteering with The Aga Khan Economic Planning Board for B.C., a denominational institution whose mandate is to improve the economic lives of its constituents. His primary role involved conducting educational sessions on financial prudence and well-being. Suhel recently completed a 3-year appointment to The Aga Khan National Economic Planning Board for Canada, where he assisted with formulating policy and strategy for the betterment of the economic lives of constituents across Canada. Suhel also supports The B.C. Children's Hospital Foundation, The Aga Khan Foundation Canada, The Boys and Girls Club's Christmas Hamper Charity Drive, and The Aga Khan Development Network's World Partnership Walk.

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Suhel Popatia CFP®, BSc

Senior Wealth Advisor

Services et stratégies d’investissement

Chez Gestion de patrimoine Assante CI, nous travaillerons avec vous pour développer une stratégie de gestion de patrimoine personnalisée afin de répondre à toutes vos étapes financières. Votre plan sera conçu en fonction de vos objectifs et de vos besoins, élaboré avec les meilleurs investissements du marché et surveillé en permanence afin de vous aider à créer l’avenir que vous désirez.

Si vous êtes à la recherche d’une solution financière qui simplifiera et améliorera votre vie, veuillez me contacter pour une consultation confidentielle.



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Vancouver, British Columbia
V6C 2V6 Canada