Profit by overcoming investment biases

Herd behaviour is often named as the most common investing bias. Can you believe financial behaviourists have identified more than 20 others? Learn about the ones to watch out for....

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Consider the timing of leaving an inheritance

You may automatically decide to leave an inheritance for your loved ones in your will. However, you might have reason to consider gifting the funds earlier—or even later....

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When you retire, financial literacy expands

Wealth planning in retirement involves new rules, products and strategies—but don’t feel stressed. We’ll keep you informed and help you explore your options....

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Split your income to save tax

There are limited ways to earn income and pay no tax. However, there are many ways to pay less tax....

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Spring clean your beneficiary choices

It’s common to think of beneficiary or legatee designations as done once and done forever. Learn why it’s important to review your designations and when to make a change....

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Should you co-sign a loan?

Acting as a co-signer can help a loved one or friend meet a life goal. Trouble is, it can also damage a relationship. Do you say yes or no?...

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Ensure family harmony when planning your estate

You want an inheritance to leave your children better off—not in conflict with each other. The good news is that communication can head off disputes....

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Should you delay your OAS pension?

Whether to delay Canada Pension Plan (CPP) or Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) benefits gets all the attention. But you should also know about delaying your Old Age Security (OAS) payments....

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