Our Services

Financial Planning

Retirement may seem a long way off, but it’s never too soon to begin saving. Financial planning is about more than just saving for retirement. We offer expert advice that works for you now and in the future – because financial freedom should leave room for you to live. This means having control over your money, doing what makes you happy and building a personalized financial security plan and we’ll be here to help you with every step, every decision, and every success.


Pension Transfers

There are a few different options for moving your pension when leaving your job, and you have questions about what is best for you and your family. Transferring your pension can be complicated. We are here to help you break down what type of pension you have, what your options are, if you should elect to transfer the value to your new employer’s plan or a public service pension, and much more. Because smart planning leaves you more money in your pocket.



Estate Planning

Estate planning goes beyond drafting a will. Thorough planning means accounting for all your assets and ensuring they transfer as smoothly as possible to the people or entities you wish to receive them.
Not sure how to get started? We can help with the process of creating a detailed plan in the event of your death, while also minimizing tax liabilities. This kind of financial planning upfront and a well-organized estate is one of the most thoughtful gifts you can leave your family.


Education Planning

Post-secondary education gets more expensive every year and we know this first-hand. We can help you build a plan, balancing education savings with your other priorities, so you can invest in your child’s future. We will guide you in identifying the best ways to save for their education and how to action the plan when they are enrolled so they can graduate with minimal debt or even debt-free. Investing in your family’s future is important to us and we are here to help.



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