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Rumour Has It: Fact Versus Fiction in the Markets, AI and Tech

Aug 26, 2024 - Alfred Lam

Berkshire Hathaway, Blackwell and the BOJ all made headlines that moved markets this month—but were those events fundamental or just speculation?...

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Tech Takeover: For Better or for Worse?

Jul 25, 2024 - Alfred Lam

Technology as we know it will soon be history—again. Be prepared for more “wow” moments as AI revolutionizes new processes and industries, while also displacing human roles....

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(The Process Of) Economic Normalization and What That Means for the Outlook

Jul 02, 2024 - Stephen Lingard

Some positive signs of economic normalization have emerged, yet fiscal policy is stuck in pandemic-era liberality. Find out how this misalignment could impact your portfolio....

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When do you need a power of attorney?

Hopefully, you’ll never suffer an illness or disorder that seriously impairs your cognitive functioning. But if you ever suffer such a condition, you may lose the ability to manage your finances – from paying bills to making investment and income......

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Leaving more to your heirs

Imagine a $1 million estate including $200,000 of stocks in a non-registered account, a $300,000 Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) and vacation property valued at $500,000. But it’s not $1 million to the heirs. There’s a $100,000 capital......

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