In the world of investing, time is your friend

Market downturns and recoveries are easier to handle when you look at the long term—and at the silver lining....

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Ever get emotional about your investments?

Often, it’s okay to follow our emotions—but not when it comes to investing. See why our emotions tempt us to do the opposite of what’s best for us....

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Can your risk tolerance change?

Tolerance to investment risk doesn’t tend to change much until retirement. Learn about three factors that can break this general rule....

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Buy low, sell high—the challenges and opportunities

It’s said that successfully buying low and selling high only favours the fortunate—but did you know you’re likely benefiting from this investment ideal right now?...

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Is cryptocurrency for investors or speculators?

Intended to be a virtual currency, it has now become a global investment phenomenon. Part money, part mystery – find out more about the fascinating world of cryptocurrency....

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Responsible investing is also smart investing

Investors want to know that companies they invest in do more than turn a profit – they should also respect the environment, society and shareholders. Find out about the ABCs of ESG....

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When’s the best time to invest?

Some investors wonder about contributing more when markets are booming. Or not investing when markets have fallen. Find out why the way you invest now may be the smartest choice....

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Borrowing to invest

Borrowing to invest sounds tempting – you just need investment returns that exceed your loan interest. See why it can be a sound strategy for some investors and too risky for others....

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Time for an RESP checkup?

Just contributing regularly to a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) and leaving it alone is an easy trap to fall into. Find out three reasons why you need to monitor and manage your RESP....

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Ways to use a TFSA in retirement

During income-earning years, a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) can be used to fund numerous expenses – a child’s education, family trips, a wedding, just about anything. Once you retire, you’ll discover that a TFSA is just as versatile, helping you t...

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