To invest successfully over a lifetime does not require a stratospheric IQ, unusual business insight, or inside information. What's needed is a sound intellectual framework for decisions and the ability to keep emotions from corroding that frame. Warren Buffet
The investor, unlike the speculator, does not have to worry too much about the short term. John Train
An investor's worst enemy is not the stock market but one's self. Benjamin Graham
Buying at regular intervals eliminates the risk of over investing at a stock market peak. Quentin Lumsden
Using contrary thinking is investment at its best and will beat any system. On paper it may seem easy but in practice it is very difficult and requires considerable nerve. Jim Slater
A stock market decline is a great opportunity to pick up bargains left behind by investors who are fleeting the storm of panic. Peter Lynch
For the investor who knows what he is doing, volatility creates opportunity. John Train
If you sell in desperation, you always sell cheap. Peter Lynch
When markets and investors get emotional, it creates fantastic buying opportunities, because there's no discrimination between what should go down and what does go down. Yves Tack
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments. Jim Rohn