Martin Jalbert

Mutual Funds Representative and Pl. Fin with Assante Financial Management Ltd.
Insurance Advisor with Assante Estate and Insurance Services Inc.

Martin is a representative who likes to work with discipline and rigor in a spirit of camaraderie. An avid jogger and cardio enthusiast, Martin is also captain of his softball team and plays badminton. A graduate of the IQPF in 1992, Martin offers high-level financial planning services based entirely on financial products, best adapted to your needs. Above all, he is passionate about human relationships based on mutual trust. He has built his reputation by making sure he understands his clients' situation and objectives before giving them a precise game plan and clear, unbiased recommendations.


What sets him apart is, the close monitoring of the financial situation of his clients, supported exclusively by talented people who respect his values ​​and integrity. His collaborators add their skills to his and form a team of trusted multidisciplinary professionals. “Wealth planning and management, differently” means for him simple human and professional advice offering numerous possibilities. Allowing you to achieve your goals by investing in what really matters: You and your future.

Daniel Courtemanche

Mutual Funds Representative with Assante Financial Management Ltd.
Insurance Advisor with Assante Estate and Insurance Services Inc.

Married to a spouse who is now retired, he’s the father of two children and grandfather of two granddaughters. Daniel takes care of his family and friends and likes to stay in shape by practicing various sporting activities such as cross-country skiing, kayaking, cycling and badminton. He enjoys social activities and regardless of life's events, he is an optimist who finds solutions. It is in his interactions with others that he fulfills himself.


Daniel's mission (not at all impossible) is to help you achieve your personal and financial goals, because he knows that you have worked hard to acquire your wealth. Managing your wealth can be complex, so he will help you define and prioritize each of your goals and develop a comprehensive wealth plan that will allow you to achieve them, while being prudent, in order to, protect and grow your wealth. Finally, he will accompany you to ensure follow-ups and to help you meet all the challenges and overcome the difficulties that you may encounter along the way. He listens and is available to inform you an easy explanation. Daniel wishes to be able to develop a long-term relationship with you, based on trust

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Investment services and strategies

At CI Assante Wealth Management, we will work with you to develop a personalized wealth management strategy to meet all your financial milestones. Your plan will be designed based on your goals and needs, built with best-in-class investments, and continually monitored to ensure it keeps you on track toward the future you desire. If you are looking for a financial solution that will simplify and enhance your life, please contact me for a confidential consultation.