

Donating to charity is a great way to give back, make a difference, and/or create a legacy for yourself or a loved one. But it’s also a lot of work – so why not let us help?

Whether you are an individual donor, a private foundation, or a charitable organization, we have the tools and resources to ensure that your charitable dollars are being used in the most efficient manner possible so your gifts can have the most impact for the causes you support.

In addition to easing your administrative burden, as your dedicated financial advisor I am also here to provide donor counseling, reports on current information and trends in charitable giving, philanthropic tax and estate planning, and access to strategic partners including lawyers and accountants who focus on gift planning, to name just a few.

With over a decade of experience working with charities, investors, and financial advisors in the field of strategic gift planning, I’m passionate about working with individuals and organizations to ensure their philanthropic goals meet – and exceed – expectations..

With an initial amount of as little as $100,000, we can begin creating your charitable legacy. If you are interested in discussing how we can help, please contact us today to set up a discovery session.