Claiming home office expenses

Thankfully, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has made it easy for employees to claim home office expenses if you spent more than half of your working hours at home for at least four consecutive weeks in 2020 due to COVID-19. Here are the options avail...

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Thinking of purchasing a vacation property?

It’s a curious fact that we Canadians, depending on where we live, call a vacation home by different names – a cottage, chalet, country house, camp or cabin. But what they all have in common is that so many owners call their vacation property a sourc...

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The pandemic and the piggy bank

Just over 12 months ago, provinces and territories responded to the COVID-19 pandemic by declaring states of emergency. Restrictions and lockdowns have affected Canadians in different ways, and one of the starkest differences involves savings. Some p...

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When should you start CPP/QPP and OAS benefits?

Start government benefits sooner and you collect a smaller monthly benefit, but right away and for a longer time. Delay the start and you receive a larger monthly benefit, but must bridge the waiting period with other resources. Knowing when to start...

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Ways to use a TFSA in retirement

During income-earning years, a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) can be used to fund numerous expenses – a child’s education, family trips, a wedding, just about anything. Once you retire, you’ll discover that a TFSA is just as versatile, helping you t...

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Tapping an RRSP for a home or an education

The Home Buyers’ Plan and Lifelong Learning Plan allow for tax-free withdrawals from a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP). Find out if it’s worthwhile financially....

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How did you react to market volatility?

Find out about three ways investors may react to a significant market downturn. Then see if your own reaction might prompt a change to your investment portfolio....

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Save tax by splitting income with children

You save tax as a family when you transfer your income to children in a lower tax bracket. We’ve got specific income-splitting strategies that work for minor children and adult children....

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Retirement plans changing? Evaluate and pivot

There are countless situations and life events that could make you alter your retirement plans. But there are four ways to react to those changes and fulfill your retirement dreams....

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Strategies and tips to boost your RRSP

Wouldn’t you like to get the most from your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)? You’ll be ahead if even one tip applies to you or a family member, now or down the road....

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