Mark-to-Market Isn’t Giving You the Complete Picture

What does “mark-to-market” really measure? Discover how stocks, bonds, and residential real estate values are skewed through the lens of a flawed valuation method....

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Prepare your children for financial responsibility

Youth who develop financial literacy at home will manage money better once they leave. Find out about four principles and practices you can help them acquire....

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Managing your RRIF withdrawals effectively

In retirement, every dollar you save in tax is more money to support your lifestyle. We’ve got ways to save tax by strategically making Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) withdrawals....

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Do you and your parents have powers of attorney?

It’s a common misconception that if a person loses the ability to manage their finances, their spouse or child can automatically take over. Learn the truth of the matter....

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Markets rallied in July, contrary to most investors’ expectations

In contrast to gloomy expectations, markets rallied to close out July. Balancing bearish investors, a hawkish Fed, and mixed market indicators, we are taking a cautious approach as more surprises are likely to come....

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What’s After the Storm?

Short-term market challenges are a distraction from the big picture. The real concern is what comes next. In this update we explore five key considerations for a solid long-term investment philosophy....

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It Is a Tougher Game When Central Banks Turn Hawkish

Volatility continues to plague the S&P 500 following the Fed’s latest attempt to curb inflation. With more aggressive repricing necessary and market bottom still to come, it’s important to look beyond the hiking cycle and focus on the long term....

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Life decisions and the financial factor

Important life decisions can be tough. When they involve a financial factor, as many do, we can help ensure you’ve got the information you need to make the best choices....

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Managing financial life in a second marriage

One in four Canadian couples are in their second or subsequent marriage. See what changes in your financial life the second time around....

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Declines All Around, but Opportunities to Be Had

Central banks have the delicate task of reducing inflation without triggering a recession. With further rate hikes possible in an already difficult market, caution is key. Here’s where we see opportunity in the current investment landscape....

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