When a wealth plan is fluid

Your wealth plan is a roadmap to achieving your life goals—but it’s subject to change for multiple reasons. Find out why this important plan should never be set in stone....

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Is downsizing the right decision?

Many people approaching or in retirement are torn between downsizing and staying in their home. Here are some considerations and how we can help....

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Beware of fraud targeting seniors

Do you have any seniors in your life who may be susceptible to fraud schemes? Find out about common scams so you can watch out for their safety....

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2022 Q2 Outlook: Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose

There’s no doubt that the first quarter of 2022 was monumental on many levels....

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Thinking of purchasing a vacation property?

It’s a curious fact that we Canadians, depending on where we live, call a vacation home by different names – a cottage, chalet, country house, camp or cabin. But what they all have in common is that so many owners call their vacation property a sourc...

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Does it pay to renovate?

Can you guess which two rooms you can renovate to bring the highest return on investment? The answer is here, along with other helpful information about the financial side of home renovation....

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