Discover your Wealth with the Davis Nerman Wealth Group

We appreciate that you have worked hard to attain your wealth — and we know that your goals and objectives are equally as important. We also know that managing your wealth can be complex and time consuming. In today's financial world, all areas of your wealth planning are connected. Your current budget impacts your estate planning, your insurance strategies have tax implications and your investment choices effect your retirement plan. 

While most people view each area of their financial lives separately, we believe that you cannot plan in a vacuum. Instead, we take a holistic approach to planning. We want to help you navigate any financial opportunity or challenge you may face. We want to be the first call you make when you have a financial question. 

We call our process "Wealth Discovery" and it begins by exploring your current financial picture. From there, we create your personal Wealth Discovery Plan by focussing on these main planning areas:

  • Financial Planning

  • Investment Management

  • Risk Management

  • Tax Planning

  • Estate Planning


Once your plan is created, we work with you to implement your plan. After that, we continuously monitor and meet with you to update your plan. Our planning is not an event, but ongoing. 

Wealth Discovery for Professionals

At Davis Nerman Wealth Group, we understand that professionals have unique planning opportunities and challenges. Come learn more about our Wealth Discovery process for professionals by clicking here

Wealth Discovery for Professors

Professors are another group that have unique planning opportunities. Come learn more by clicking here

Assante Private Clients

High net worth individuals, including business owners, can access exclusive custom-built portfolios and additional wealth planning through CI Assante Private Client. For more information, please click here.

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Brian Davis, CH.F.C., CLU®, CFP®

Senior Financial Planner

Seth Nerman, LL.B, CFP®, TEP, RIS

Financial Planning Advisor

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Office Address

1536 Gamble Place Main Floor
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3T 1N6 Canada