Specialized Planning for Professionals

At Davis Nerman Wealth Group, we specialize in planning for professionals, such as doctors, dentists, pharmacists, real estate agents, lawyers and accountants. Professionals have specific rules regarding the structure of their businesses, which can have an impact on taxation, liability protection, investment choices and insurance strategies. As a result, we have adapted our Wealth Discovery Plan for professionals to include specific advice relevant to their businesses.

We also recognize that many professionals had little to no training with respect to running or setting up a business when they were in school. Yet, once in practice, they are faced with the reality that operating a practice involves setting up a company, leasing an office, hiring employees, etc. We want to be there to help make this transition easier. We have helped our professional clients:

  • Incorporate and properly structure their practices

  • Purchase and sell practices 

  • Income plan 

  • Remove excess cash and investments from their operating companies

  • Take advantage of tax efficient investment and insurance strategies